Hey, thanks for the submission. With the big caveat that I haven’t actually played the game, just read it, here’s my review.
Theme / Maps
The world map is central to the game, but I don't think it addressed the theme? As far as I can tell, there is one world map with multiple characters. But the "scale or scope" of the map is singular. The use of Sense8-style clusters is cool, but it didn't feel to me like the mechanics explore the differences enough to address the theme. That's a really challenging concept to design for though, so I think the way you went at it with Yin and Yang was an interesting approach. That challenge alone makes the game worth pursuing, in my mind.
Tone and style
I found it a bit hard to find a tone in the text, as it was a bit hard to understand. I also was a bit confused by some of the examples, e.g. "violent", "sad", "apathetic", "energetic", "sexy", "too much", "not enough", "lonely", "ronin": ronin seems like it doesn't fit?
I had trouble picturing how the pull between Yin and Yang would affect the game. I got the theme and that the characters were meant to be challenged by Yin and Yang, but had trouble seeing how the mechanics reinforced that.
Easy to understand
My main issue was that I found it a bit hard to read and understand the rules. Perhaps if you revise the game after the jam, you can find someone willing to help copy-edit? There were a lot of run on sentences that made reading it challenging. A thorough copy-edit might make it easier to see the shape of the game within the text.
Thanks for the opportunity to review your game.