Hi Sam,
I'm very into the art here, and I like what you've done to make that Microscope-style discovery geographical. (Have you seen "I'm sorry did you say street magic?", a recent zinequest game? You've come to some interesting similarities and differences in how the two games approach the same urge). You've got some great feedback already that I'll not repeat, but I did make a couple of other notes.
Your stats have very evocative names. I worry slightly that there might be an overlap between manipulate (plot) and foster dissent (sow), but I grew up with arguments over whether a certain action was INT or WIS and we always settled it. It feel to me like plot is preparatory, whereas sow is active, which would probably be enough to settle any arguments.
In the 'opposed rolls' section, I see a 'may' that leads to it being possible to have an opposed roll called for but no player wanting to do the opposition. What happens in that case? Fabulist is compelled to step in?
Is it possible to destroy a District that has a Haunt in? It seems like it would be yes, but the Haunt would somehow survive.
re your list of adjectives; you could have two D66 lists, keeping the options there but not giving blank lines for the other columns.
thanks for the entry, I enjoyed reading very much.