Love the mod, really inspires me to mess around with the code too. Here are 3 bugs so far this playthrough should you choose to address them at this point.
1. Lactation gets text displayed for giver and taker for some reason:
2. Similar for penis size:
3. Ok, this doesn't really qualify as a bug, it's more of a typo:
in :
###---Added by Expansion---### Incest, Tearing, and Swollen tracking
#Orgasm Variable Text
text += i.person.dictionary(str(globals.randomitemfromarray(['manages to get on $his names and knees','is on $his knees','manages to squat','weakly stands up']))) + i.person.dictionary(" from the ") + str(globals.randomitemfromarray(['floor ','ground ','fluid-soaked floor ','fluid-soaked ground ','stained floor ','stained ground ']))
should be as follows ('names' should be 'hands'):
text += i.person.dictionary(str(globals.randomitemfromarray(['manages to get on $his hands and knees','is on $his knees','manages to squat','weakly stands up']))) + i.person.dictionary(" from the ") + str(globals.randomitemfromarray(['floor ','ground ','fluid-soaked floor ','fluid-soaked ground ','stained floor ','stained ground ']))
Cheers man, you're awesome.