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(1 edit) (+5)

I never really wrote a review before so here goes nothing (cause I don't feel I got the brain capacity for that but aanywaaaayyy.) I have to say I tremendously love this game normally after I'm done playing a game I downloaded I'd usually delete it or uninstall it but I can't see myself doing that to this game after how good it was but man that true ending left me feeling so conflicted. I can say not a lot of things leave me in a state where I would walk back and forth in place and leave me to discuss what I've read or played to myself and I can say this game definitely did just that. I could relate to Eris so much on the aspect of not wanting to risk being in a serious relationship again in fear that it will end sourly and end up getting hurt tremendously from it. Being as how I ended up experiencing it from my last relationship.(thanks to my friend though I told him not to snoop around in it still ended up doing so hoping it would help me but by doing so made me come to a cold hard truth p.s ignore this if you wish it's not important and stupid.)  

(Even as I typed this, I was still in my conflicted feels from this game) After reading MuffinDragons comment I can agree with them up to their good memories part about cherishing them. I believe that but sadly I kind of see good memories as a double-sided blade because of course while they make you happy and remind of that good moment you had to me it also makes you wish you could relive it or try to replicate in which case could probably end up hurting you more knowing that doing that may not be possible and not as true as it was the very first time experiencing it and end up the same way.(but that's just me I'm kind of a depressed fuck) God I love this game but damn it but god I LOVE this game.

Also if anything never change that true ending you kept it real and people ought to know that's how it is even if it does hurt.(sadly.)

(my reaction playing through the game but still a fantastic game nonetheless thank you for the bittersweet experience.)