I've been running in loops around the house, which I assume is inevitable since this is a demo and not because I'm missing something (or maybe I am? who knows). The sudden descriptions of footsteps and breathing in passages I've visited before did give me a bit of a jolt, but I'm admittedly a scaredy cat. Images or sound in the final product will help the atmosphere I think.
If you'd like some more in-depth critique:
Since it's RE-based I'm not surprised to see all of the viscera, blood, and unidentified grossness, but I think maybe there's too much? Some of the choices felt like they were there just to reinforce that the house looks and smells gross, but that's already very well described. Visuals that are seen no matter what work well, but translated directly into text that you need to click in order to see, it ends up creating a distraction.