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Update Leo's route!

(1 edit) (+5)

Um...? Leo's route are finished like year ago.

(1 edit) (+2)(-10)

I refuse to accept that final shit as leo's route!

I understand that this is a VN of terror and everything but first of all it was made very short and second, from what happens in the restaurant only 30% of the rest of history you spend with him! It felt more like Kuduzu's route than Leo's. Just give us PLEASE the possibility of having a happy ending with him. 

Anyway, in his route we dont even have a clue of whats fucking happening in Echo. Just that when we come back, we bring a lot of awfull memories and feelings 


Yeah, Leo deserved a *lot* better, but come on, be respectful

(1 edit) (+4)

I know that feeling and you're right though, Chase and Leo is the most fit couple as far as ik and i loved it so much. But after the way Clint and Flynn talking so seriously about Leo's true nature (unstable), then since Leo finally known as 'Echo of Life'. For me the most rational reason is to reject him and made him realizing all his mistake. (you know what happened in the train if we didn't reject him)

And MAYBE it's quite possible to get happy ending with Leo IF he doesn't created as  "one of the Echos"  and doesn't have an unstable personality like he does in the game (idk that's ma opinion)

About what's really happening in Echo Town, maybe we need to pass all route such as carl, jenna, etc. And to knowing more about Sydney


I am completely fine with the ending if im being honest. I dont like leo because of the person he actually is and maybe thats how the novel wants us to see him but i guess he does have some good.


Everybody deserves a happy ending, or at least, a good ending. Not what happen to him


Yeah I guess so. I'm just torn between his loving Caring figure and the way he acts selfish and obsessed it really makes me confused


Route 65 better explains Leos ending

How so?