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The replenish is low on the orange levels to require a different strategy - you need to use harvesters because it's not cost effective to build a new base at every well. It sounds like you're doing that, though.

Looking at your designs - it looks like the 3-armed base thing has interface objects on its core, which makes it vulnerable to enemies that shoot straight for the core. Maybe move them to the components on the ends - they will be vulnerable, but unless the enemies attack from all directions one or two of them should survive to protect the core.

The Warrior process has two problems. First, it's only 61% powered, so it will have problems using all of its objects at once. Try using a more powerful core (which will also make it more robust).

Second, the two components with just a move object and an interface object are weak points - they aren't protected by the process' interface, and if they are destroyed the rearmost components will also be lost. Maybe add new components to the side and move the interface/move objects there.

Interface objects don't protect parts with move objects on them, but yeah, imma try to use new designs.