A "tiny tool for making multiple choice stores" by Steven "increpare" Lavelle.
- The littlest (?) branching text game creator. Think of it like a much more minimal version of Twine. All you can do is write text and have links to other pages.
- Easy to get started. Just start editing in the browser window.
- Easy to distribute. Click "SAVE TO DISK" and it downloads a standalone HTML file that you can run locally or upload to Itch.io or anywhere. Click "Share" and it prompts you to login to GitHub, saves your file to gist, and give you a URL that you can share so people can play your game in the browser.
- Out of the box, all you can do is write text and link to other pages! To modify styles, you'll need to go into the output file and add a CSS stylesheet.
- No obvious way (at least to me) how to incorporate image files.
Check out: TinyChoice