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Love the concept and congrats on getting the details of that worked out! I’ll check it out and look into adding it as well.

What I’d LOVE to see is a new panel that mirrors Alchemy just for gear to make the game have a fully fleshed out crafting system. It really wouldn’t be that hard to add in “components” and a “deconstruction” feature that can break any item/weapon down to base components to be recrafted into something else.

i can't gui so sorry but i can't help you there. feel free to add that if you feel like it

This is a fantastic idea and if Aric is too busy I would be happy to work on it after I finish the hybrid work. I haven't looked at your code, but it should be fairly straight forward to create a system to craft and break down items. I can envision a system somewhat like WoW, where you can break down magic items for raw magic ingredients, and then use mundane items, magic ingredients and spells to craft new gear. Item values could be dynamically derived from your magic affinity stat and maybe even a new item crafting skill (one which slowly goes up as you use it). As for the GUI, that should be a simple matter of coping the alchemy panel and then making some modifications. Likely also want to add a new mansion upgrade path (maybe Forge).

Pallington, if you are ok with me expanded on your code I will look into it next week.

bump: i edidded so that everything intelligently loads, so you don't have to put load() functions over the items icons and suffer from thanos'd equip icons. will upload to mega shortly.