Here's a link to the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable if anyone needs it to play this game. :) I kept getting a "vcruntime140.dll not found" error.
Really cute game! The game gets a 10/10 on the visuals, very pretty spacey aesthetics and the cat's design is incredibly cute and unique. The music was nice and the voice over was pretty cute and funny. The controls were very responsive and the gravity flipping was satisfying to maneuver around in the middle of falling / jumping. I was kind of sad to find that there was only one short level though, I need more time with space cat please! I know we only had a short amount of time to work on this game jam but I think there's a lot of potential for more levels with these gravity flip mechanics (moving platforms, enemies, puzzles, other obstacles). Also, I'm not sure if this was an intended behavior but I was able to jump infinitely while pressing against a wall.
Space Cat is badass!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.