Yoo why is this so good? lol Hey if you peeps ever do another game jam, hit me up. I want to collab with you folks.

Pretty fun game. I like the idea of the snail running a restaurant, the controls are easy to learn but hard to become masterful at. They're fitting controls for a snail and the game reminds me of Overcooked but with chaotic controls as well. The 3D models are nicely done and the music is comedic which fits the game presentation. The slug's slimey moving sound effect was pretty funny and gross. Haha. Sadly though, I couldn't deliver any orders because all my ingredients would fall through the floor if I tried to combine them together. Really good effort though! Now I'm craving escargot hahaha.
Here's the bug I'm talking about where I can't combine ingredients.
I escaped from the cat! Pretty neat entry. I'm really impressed by the model and animations / rigging of the owl and cat. Props to the 3D artist! The cat was surprisingly creepy, almost alike to a grotesque cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland. Pretty cool mechanic of figuring out how close you are to the objective by dropping a feather, mazes can be pretty stressful if you have no indicator of how close you are to the end. The controls worked perfectly and the environment was pretty cool and detailed for a game jam of just 1 week. The music and sound effects really fit the nocturnal atmosphere, very eerie but at the same time the cute owl sounds were comforting. The credits menu didn't work for me, you guys should get all the credit you deserve on this game! The controls were communicated very clearly and the objective was clear. My only complaint is that it was hard to tell what the exit was when I saw it, I think I passed by it a couple times before I realized it was the exit.
Awesome submission!
Really awesome submission! It took me 24 loops to finish. The mechanic of previous runs supporting your next run is a really neat and innovative idea. The art direction is great and adorable. The main character sprite and animations are charming. The music and sounds were fun. The UI was very helpful and easy to understand, as were the controls and what the objective was. The controls were good and worked perfectly and the ghosts of my previous runs were doing exactly what I did. Definitely has a lot of potential if you were to expand on the mechanics with new ideas! Great use of the theme for the game jam, props!
I beat it! Really awesome game! This was very well polished and the mechanic of stacking corpses as a platform is a really neat idea. It's rewarding to die in a way because your corpse prevents you from dying in the same spot twice. My only complaint is that corpses prevented me from beating the game for a moment because I left a body on the edge of a high platform where spikes were moving, so I couldn't actually jump onto the platform because the corpse blocked me from jumping onto the platform from below. So in order to beat it, I had to stack like 4 bodies beneath the platform to kind of make a ladder. Haha. Pretty difficult game and I appreciate that you made it joystick friendly! The controls are very responsive and frame-perfect, although it was sometimes hard to jump off sloped corners where it was needed. It was also a little difficult to figure out where it was safe to walk / jump down at first, for example the ledge all the way to the left where the game starts it wasn't clear that it was a dangerous place to drop down. The camera work is really great too, very smooth camera following. The music is epic and sounds like something I would hear in a classic silent movie, very nice classical style of music that people don't make anymore. The 8 bit pixel art is wonderful! The splash art on the menu is what really lured me into playing the game. Props to the artist and programmer that worked on this game. :)
Pretty cool submission! Really awesome that you were able to integrate a 2 player mode into your game! That's a very ambitious feature! It's a pretty fun battle royale style game akin to something like Bomberman, really neat concept! The AI was surprisingly pretty good for a game jam made in 2 weeks. The music and sound effects sounded pretty 80s sci-fi, I do think the song got a little repetitive fast. Pretty solid gameplay though, the controls were simply but hard to get good with. I do love challenging games though! Great creation for just being made by 1 person in just 1 week. :)
Really cool game! Definitely see the Untitled Goose Game inspiration. Really applaud the 3D artist that did the dog and cat, really fine and well done animation / rigging! Really cute toon-like aesthetic! The collectibles gave the game cool replay value. The sense of humor is pretty hilarious in this game too, really enjoyed getting that cat wet and watching him break through that window. The music is very fitting and comedic and the dog controls were pretty good although it was kind of difficult to drag some of the objects around. I also couldn't pick up the ribs when it was right in front of me and I couldn't figure out how to get the collectible in the glass cabinet or the one on top of the fridge. Really cute game! I'm a homeless dog now haha.
Really awesome game! I'm incredibly impressed with how much of a narrative and how many levels and puzzles you were able to make in just a week! So much content and overall well written. I really do like the story and the narrative about being isolated and forgotten, definitely fits the theme. You guys somehow didn't even let any typos slip into the dialogue even though we only had a weeks time to do all of this!I'm also impressed by the unique character development. The clock obsessed Nora, the goofy bastard Luca, and the cold thug Griffon. The music was also very good, definitely has a classic SNES game feel even though it sounds modern. The artwork is amazing too, I generally think anime characters all kind of look the same but these characters are very unique with their own distinct styles. The character sprites are spot-on representations of their portraits too (or maybe its the other way around?). The moving statues were creepy and reminded me of the ones from Dr Who which I'm a big fan of. The puzzles were all well done except I had a hard time figuring out how to solve the puzzles in the moving statues area. For the life of me I couldn't figure out how to get the last party member to jump into the portal with me though. I'm not sure if that's the reason why this happened but my game would crash at the screenshot shown here. :(
Literally spent the last hour playing through the game and I wish I got to see the ending! In fact, I've never played a game jam that lasted more than like 10 minutes. Great work! Visual novels and narrative-based games haven't really become mainstream but you guys have made it very engaging and gotten me interested in them.
Excellent submission! Best one I've seen so far. I studied a lot of Mesoamerican culture and I gotta say the Mayan depiction is awesome, you guys even threw in a macuahuitl in there! The pixel art and animations are fantastic! Adorable character designs. Very beautiful splash screen, menus, and UI. The controls are innovative and difficult but the difficulty is what makes it fun and challenging. Gameplay was smooth and simple to learn but hard to master. The boss fight was a nice touch too.The voice acting was also a nice surprising touch. The music fit the Mayan style and the audible actions were satisfying.
Excellent game! Exceeded my expectations for any project made in a weeks time. Has a lot of potential for a full game.
Very nice submission! The difficulty progression is perfect in this game, definitely plays better with a controller and it's awesome you guys made it joystick friendly. The different kind of robots were cool and the puzzles creatively put all their abilities to good use, very nice level designs. The pixel art was very adorable, movement felt satisfying and the controls worked perfectly. The audio was clean and fit the actions / robots. The controls and the objective were also very clear throughout the game.
Really awesome submission guys!
I rescued them all!
Pretty neat game. The buff boys were essential for that last golden block between the trees behind that door. The game crashed on me a couple times when I tried putting a dude on the lever to keep the door down, so I used the rock at the starting area of the game instead. Other than that, the game works perfectly! I didn't realize I could hold the blocks by holding the mouse button until I revisited the itch page of your game, perhaps an in-game tutorial or UI explaining those controls would be beneficial. Pretty great achievement considering it being made by just one person! Also nice safety net making sure the blocks respawn if they fall into the water. The graphics are cute and voxel style, which I'm a sucker for. Could have used audio but understandably not enough time for that kind of polish in just 1 week.
Nice submission!
I made the baby happy!
Pretty funny backstory and use of sound effects. The mama bear sound effect had me laughing and the gameplay theme is straight out of an action scene, which is funny for a shopping game. The main menu theme actually had me jamming, it sounded like a Chick Corea was on the keys. Also great integrating the theme into the backstory of the game. Lost the first play through and thought I could win the second time by memorizing where the needed items were but the shopping list changed every run which made it more challenging. The "how to play" screen made it very clear how to play and the backstory made it clear what the objective was.
Nice jam submission.
Hi! I was having trouble building my project out of Unity all day today, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't able to build for my installed platforms. I have a screenshot of the issue I was having:
After reinstalling Unity a couple times I was finally able to build the project and upload it onto itch.io, however the deadline is over for submissions. Is there any way I can get my project submitted into the game jam? It would really mean a lot to me to be apart of this exciting event.
Here is my project on itch.io:
Thanks a lot in advanced and I hope this inconvenience is understandable.
Thanks for the constructive feedback! :) I'm curious, what kind of music would you have preferred?
Sorry about the first door, it's supposed to open as soon as you kill all the enemies in the room but some enemies appear to be clipping into hard-to-reach areas of the room somehow. As for how you were clueless on how to play, we wanted to implement a "How-To-Play" scene but unfortunately there wasn't enough time to implement it. Thanks for playing though!
Really awesome game! I’m very impressed with the concept of an open-grid based tower defense game, that’s a really nice fresh take compared to the traditional lane-based tower defense game. The openness of the map adds a lot more strategy compared to the lane-tower defense games because I have to carefully decide the placement of my defenses. The grid system works very nicely too, I have to say I’m very impressed with it! It also seems like the terrain obstacles are procedurally placed right? Because it seems like it and the terrain obstacles are very well placed all the time. I also liked the introduction animation of the map spawning and the backstory introduced. I did run into a bug where the enemies would get stuck at their spawn if I completely walled off turrets or the base. I do think a game like this has a ton of potential, especially if a variety of enemies, purchase options, and turrets were added! Perhaps if there were enemies that could eat or jump over walls, or purchase options with different defense mechanics (slow-down / mines / spikes). I do also wish that I could sell fences or turrets I misplaced. In any case, Great work! Really awesome jam game!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.
Wow. This game is very interesting. The narrative and art style stands out the most to me. I'm very impressed with all the dialogue written and intractable details (for example the intractability with the bedroom mirror, cat, bookshelf). The animations and aesthetics are really impressive, beautiful art where the memory notes are and beautiful splash-art between chapters. Who ever did all this pixel-art is very talented. I have to admit that this game is pretty real for me; as someone with intense anxiety I can relate with the character and narrative of the game. "My Own Personal Prison", "I wouldn't have thought I'd be drinking after living with my dad", god damn I can relate. This kind of reminds me of something like Pixar's Inside Out but for adults with more mature themes.
Sadly though, I got stuck at the second maze of the game. I couldn't get passed this part where the bad-thought enemies would overwhelm the screen. I just couldn't outrun them in time to keep a safe distance, perhaps if the player was given an alternative way to get rid of these enemies besides outrunning them the game could be a little more engaging. Like the frog for example, you just look at it and it walks away, there's some intractability and skill involved, but I felt like the bad-thought enemies were a little too strong because I often had a hard time outrunning them (I'd often try to outrun them but I'd just end up running into a dead-end in the maze). I wish these enemies didn't have the power to completely blacken the screen too. There were times where I probably could have gotten away if the screen was a little more visible, but I would just end up hitting a dead-end wall without realizing because they would turn the screen too dark. If the main character had some other abilities to deal with these enemies, I think this game would have a lot of potential as a standalone game! Perhaps the notes that you collect could give the character the ability to recall positive thoughts to make the bad-thought enemies go away?
I really do wish I could get passed this part of the game because I'm legitimately interested in seeing how the game's story progresses! Really cool jam game!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.
Really cool game! First thing that stuck out to me was Cave Story music! I loved Cave Story! The dialogue and humor was really awesome too! Definitely had a good laugh at the "two pixels to the left" and "no ceiling" jokes. I'm very impressed with the cutscenes and story you were able to tell in a 30 day game jam! Really cool! The pixel art is really nice as well. I thought the enemies were a little tough at first, but once I figured out that you can spam and maneuver the orb ability I think the game might have been a little too easy. In that last boss fight, I was able to cover behind one of the pillars and spam my orb to kill him slowly. However, I do think the attack mechanic is very interesting and does have potential! But maybe the player can have another main attack that's less powerful, or maybe if the orb couldn't move in other directions or couldn't be spammed as frequently it wouldn't be too powerful. Really awesome game though! I can see a lot of potential in the game's humor if you decided to make it a full game! Bob is a cool dude!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.
Hey there! I'm one of the creators of this game and I'd like to take a moment to critique my own work since it's a great game design exercise and I never see anyone write on their own game!
I think the game mechanic idea is very good! However, there's no introduction of the mechanics given to the player. I wanted to make a level where you're taught how to play the game and how the mechanics work but there was no time to implement all that, sadly the player is just thrown right into the game. Even adding a "How-To-Play" screen in the menu would have been sufficient enough. The boss fight is cool but he has way too much health, in retrospect I would have given him a lot less health. In the last phase of the boss fight, you have to shoot at the cores on the sides of its body but that is not visually obvious enough (perhaps I should have added arrows or highlighted that area of its body somehow).
The music was awesome and I think it complimented the sci-fi and progressive game idea, I've never seen a rhythm / FPS game before. I was especially proud of making the procedural animations on the boss and making it do that shockwave attack in sync with the drop of the song when it hits.
I think the level design of the bridge area could be a little improved with it being just a big open space, the enemy's AI in that area doesn't compliment it either (the soldiers don't shoot back at you if they're too far away and the bugs don't pose a threat because you can just shoot them enough to kill them before they can even reach you in that large open space). The first room area is nice, there's cover to hide behind and different paths to wander through while fighting the soldiers and bugs. The very beginning hallway invoked a small feeling of claustrophobia in me.
The UI could have been a little polished, I wish I had time to replace the default font on the "Ammo" and "Combo Count" HUD. The health bar looks a little flat as well.
The health bars on enemies would have been a great idea, credit to all the feedback in the comments!
All these issues could obviously be resolved if we had more time, but this project taught me a lot of great lessons in the process of making a game. I never worked with code so closely related to audio in Unity! Cheers!
Wow! This is a fantastic game! The pixel art is really nice and the animations are very polished. The ghost's design is really cute! I enjoyed the intro cutscene and the story it conveyed too. The controls were very simple and responsive, I learned how to play incredibly quickly. The gameplay is a fantastic blend between puzzle and platforming mechanics, really cool how the ghost moves in one sweeping direction and the walls / environment gave it a puzzle element. Major props on the level designs, it shows that a lot of thought and love was put into them with given the game mechanics. The level designs definitely brought a lot of variety to the puzzle aspect of the game. I beat the game but my only complaint is that it was too hard! Haha. I found the later levels to be brutally punishing in my first play-through of them (for example: moving into a direction off-screen and not knowing a trap lies ahead or not knowing where the door will be when I grab the key). I think most games rely on memorizing things to some degree (for example memorizing locations, patterns, or events ), but I personally thought some levels were just too punishing in that regard if you didn't know where traps were or where the door would spawn beforehand. However, that's not to say that this is a bad thing; this game is definitely a speed-runner's dream so it definitely has an audience. However, if you wanted to make it appeal to the more casual audience, I would recommend possibly adding health and getting rid of the timer to find the door when you get the key. The collectibles and hidden areas are really awesome and give the game a lot of replay value for the hardcore players, although I stopped trying to collect all of them after level 2 because it was just too hard. Perhaps the difficulty and collectibles-fetching incentive can be improved by rewarding the player with 1 extra hitpoint when you get all the collectibles in one level?
I really did love the game though. You can see how much I loved it by the amount of times I died and replayed each level. Lol. Great game! I could see this being successful if it was made into a full standalone game.
Submitted: T.I.M.E.
Wow! Really amazing game! Best submission I've played for this jam so far. The polish on this game is incredible, the UI is very well done and aesthetically pleasing. The environment, models, and animations are fantastic, very well done. The gameplay and controls were also very nice and responsive. I have to admit that there was definitely a learning curve for me while I was trying to figure out how to play this game; It definitely took me a minute to figure out how the abilities best synergize and combo together (float, teleport behind an enemy, drain blood). Very well done mechanics though, I think it's a great blend between stealth and upfront-fighting action. I think I got a pretty high score! The only thing I wish there was is more levels in the progressing waves! Pretty cool how the ability power pool (blood) can be transferred over into life (or unlife in this case). Great job guys! I definitely felt some Diablo vibes from this game!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.
Pretty cool tower defense game! I thought it was cool that time was used as turret currency and player health, I've never seen that before in a tower defense game. I played through all the levels, all of them passed level 2 were incredibly hard! It was very useful seeing the wave queue though, I was able to better prepare my turrets for them and their weaknesses. All the controls were communicated very clearly in the "How-To-Play" menu, the story presented there was also pretty cool. The low-poly art style was cute and the bullet / barrier VFX were also pretty neat. My only suggestion would be that the UI could be a little improved, I think that can be addressed by replacing the default Unity text font (DaFont has some really cool fonts) and also by using some kind of UI pack for panel / button backgrounds (OpenGameArt has some cool UI packs). I played all the levels in progression but I think it would be better if all the levels weren't available to play from the beginning, perhaps levels can be unlocked progressively or all the levels can be played through a campaign-style playthrough?
Overall pretty cool! Nice jam!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.
Interesting game! I think the dialogue and narrative is conveyed very well. Great job on the gameplay-intermission cutscenes. All the pixel-art and animations are excellent, very well done! The sound design is also very well done. The gameplay difficulty progression was great until I got to the names matching part of the game (I found that to be surprisingly difficult!). I have to admit that I do wish I could have used my keyboard for actions instead of the mouse (maybe a keyboard button for signing, burning, and revealing a card?). There were moments where I was in a rush and I'd want to click on Burn / Sign, but I'd accidentally click on the opposite action because the buttons are pretty close to each other. Pretty cool game overall! I'll be waiting for chapter 2!
Really awesome game jam submission! Definitely feels like a short movie. 10/10 on the story, very clever and great way to convey cutscenes with drawings. The drawings were incredibly well done! Definitely felt Metal Gear Solid vibes sneaking and stealthing around. The stopping-time mechanic is a pretty great mechanic that compliments a stealth game, surprised it hasn't been done before as far as I know. The game was also surprisingly pretty creepy, the lean controls were very nice and added to the horror feel of the game by peeking around corners. The controls were very smooth and responsive. The instructions were communicated clearly which I really appreciate. I wasn't sure where to go in the beginning but I wasn't lost for too long. I definitely knew my way around in the second introduction to the map though.
Really awesome game!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.
Here's a link to the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable if anyone needs it to play this game. :) I kept getting a "vcruntime140.dll not found" error.
Really cute game! The game gets a 10/10 on the visuals, very pretty spacey aesthetics and the cat's design is incredibly cute and unique. The music was nice and the voice over was pretty cute and funny. The controls were very responsive and the gravity flipping was satisfying to maneuver around in the middle of falling / jumping. I was kind of sad to find that there was only one short level though, I need more time with space cat please! I know we only had a short amount of time to work on this game jam but I think there's a lot of potential for more levels with these gravity flip mechanics (moving platforms, enemies, puzzles, other obstacles). Also, I'm not sure if this was an intended behavior but I was able to jump infinitely while pressing against a wall.
Space Cat is badass!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.
Very interesting game! Excellent job on the narrative and cinematics, the trippy intro reminds me of 2001: Space Odyssey's ending. Very well done telling the story through dialogue and the environment. The puzzles were pretty neat too, I think the fox feeding puzzle was definitely the most creative one! The low-poly art style was cool too. Controls were intuitive and simple.
In any case, really cool puzzle game! Interesting way to use time-control mechanics into a puzzle game!
Edit: Removed question that revealed a spoiler
Submitted: T.I.M.E.