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Very fun game! I think that the high value gems should be on the opposite side of the map from the cars though. I just camped in that corner and won be about $4000. Also finding the cars was a bit tricky.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! I am glad that you enjoyed it! :D

I really appreciate the feedback. I had someone on a different forum also mention the cars being difficult to find. I just got home a little bit ago. So, I'll try to patch in some red exit signs to help players navigate the level better before bed tonight.

The Jewels values do increase the farther away from the lot, but they also become more valuable the more often they are attempted to be stolen. The idea was that a fight over which player would get some particular jewel would become more valuable, and therefore more "worth it" for the player to keep fighting over it, while also encourage other players to sneak off and try to get a different jewel. In practice, I'm noticing players do as you have described.

Maybe this mechanic should be removed? Grow at a slower rate? I'm happy to have the feedback and am open to suggestions.


The idea for finding the cars sounds good.  I would probably grow the amount that the gems give you because your original idea for them sounds awesome