I'm having a bit of trouble with 8-bit compatibility errors as well - in my case it's when playing around with barriers. I can get a 'door' barrier to work but not a 'block' or 'block_path':
stay_upstairs : block {
location = downstairs
message = You need to port your game before you can go downstairs!
block_when = still_porting
show_blocked_exit = true
stay_upstairs : block_path {
from = landing
to = downstairs
message = You need to port your game before you can go downstairs!
block_when = still_porting
show_blocked_exit = true
stairguard : door {
from = landing
to = downstairs
key = stairguard_key
is_open = false
messages {
bang_into_door = You need to port your game before you can go downstairs!
The 'block_path' example throws up the following error:
and the 'block' example throws up the following error:
Not sure what 'lion' and 'swim' mean here?