Well, never a better time to make an account...
This is WILDLY promising. This is something I really hoped would eventually get made ever since I realized that Spiral Clicker had trances written into it. I thought those were well written, but Faustus's are far and away better. The basic visual is also just legitimately amazing-I was never quite sure if the trails I was seeing were generated by the game or just my eyes fuzzing up, but they were a STRONG effect anyway. I don't trance super easily usually, but this definitely worked.
I'm gonna echo a lot of other people's tunes, though: While Faustus is near perfect, King Cobra is...underwhelming? Overwhelming? Kind of both? His minigame is way too hard to do at all without breaking immersion, and his vibe is complete whiplash to hers. I don't know if he just needs reworked, or if in a full version it would just need to be made sure that you can avoid characters you have no interest in one way or another.