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(1 edit)

That was a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm not gonna lie I'm really picky with VNs a lot of the time and I've been hesitant on starting ones from this site because of that but after completely finishing this game just... wow. I loved the ENTIRE cast which is honestly so hard for me? I usually don't like players like Rama so I did his last and got BLOWN AWAY by how loveable and complex he was. I Loved the art style, I adore how this was stylized, and I adore 'moving' CGs so I was super happy with those. I loved the world you put us in, the idea was new and refreshing and I wanted to help however I could just making all these precious children stop hurting.Your writing was amazing and gave me the kind of attachment to characters in a game that I haven't felt since Hakuoki or like... Dragon Age if we aren't sticking to just VNs. I was crying throughout the entire game bar Mitra's route(I feel like I have questions on whether or not I'm having his babies), I'm crying now that it's over. I'm gonna go stalk your other game's demo now because i love your work ;-;

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Congrats on finishing the routes and thank you so much for giving my VN a chance, LuminousSidhe! I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed yourself! ^///^

There's no better compliment than hearing you love the entire cast! They're my babies and while I know I still have rooms for improvement, it makes me feel warm to see people are still playing my VN and loving it <3 my only regret is that I'm slow at completing a VN so you'll need to wait a bit more before you can play Bermuda ^^; I update every week at Monday though so I hope you can walk with me step by step to completion!

Once again, thank you for dropping by and showing me your support! I hope to see you around!
