Thanks for the report. I’ll have to look into it. This sort of thing starts to get really messy, real fast. As for the errors. I honestly don’t know what to say. Looking into things a bit the memlock thing seems to be an issue you can set on your own OS via a command, just google the error message. As for the other one about failing to open the NaCl file I don’t exactly know. Other reports of similar issues I’ve seen online just say that people ignore it and it doesn’t bother them. Probably not a good solution, but I’ve yet to find one that explains the cause of the issue. All I can really do from my end is export. The game is written in Construct 3. On a whole I have little control over the export process and the files that actually comprise the game. I basically just select an operating system and architecture type and press go. Outside of that it’s basically all handled by the software.
I have a spare computer lying around. Assuming it still works I’ll try installing linux on it for testing. I’ve been flying blind in regards to linux, but it’s probably time to rectify that. It’s possible that I can alter the save location specifically for linux, and maybe Mac. The reason it is using whatever folder it uses is because there is a command in Construct 3 that basically points at the user folder on a computer, I.E. I didn’t consciously pick that folder, it’s just what C3 claims is optimal. The reason its used is because that essentially guarantees that the game can write to that location as pretty much every user will have read/write access to that area. I could technically make a folder where ever I want but it could cause issues with write permissions. Still I’ll have to look into things a bit and see what I can do.