Great job. I'm trying to maintain that my game was the best (lol - doesn't everyone?) but I really really enjoyed playing this one, and if my game doesn't win first place, I would be totally fine if it was you who clinched the win from me ha ha!
I literally burst out laughing at the fox puzzle (no spoilers I promise!). Ingenious use of the time theme.
I'm making a puzzle rpg/adventure game myself (very early stages) using time travel as a theme. If you guys want to get involved let's connect outside this forum privately. Or conversely I'd love to join you guys instead! Only problem is, I'm committed to keep learning Unreal and I like C++...
PS. Hey, there was this Godot engine window that remained open as I was playing in the main window, and it through some errors at some point when I was rewinding / fastforwarding. However, it didn't affect the gameplay at all... kinda weird. Thought you should know.