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hey! Thanks for the feedback.

we can surely be in touch, whenever there will be another case of game developing (wheter a jam or just for fun).

We strongly belive in creating a network of creative people 😉

For this game, as you know, we used Godot, which is the only engine I’ve learned and, sadly, I’ve zero experience in C or C++, though I know it’s one of the main pillars of development in general.

Anyways, these differences should not “break” any possibile connection, we as a team have looked to create a game with some kind of lore and background, giving it some kind of poetic through the medium of the videgoame, which we believe is a very powerful communicative tool ( if you want to know  my top favorite game is The Beginner’s Guide), and maybe we can find some connection with other people that share a similar vision. 

this being said we could connect over Discord 😉

as for the godot terminal window I believe it’s a thing that remain when playing and also developing on Windows10 with godot, I don’t know how to remove it.


huh... I have never played Beginner's Guide, nor the earlier Stanley's Parable. I'm just beginning to learn more about them. I should check them out!!