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Wow, okay. I need a priest. And a pool. And my heart back.

I slipped into this choosing to play the character I was least attracted to first of the currently released characters and like... You're really gonna come at a girl and not let her dislike anyone aren't you? That'd be Dimitri for me, I was actually super turned off the whole little brother of my ex thing at first but he was an absolutely wonderfully fleshed out character. I adored his devotion to you in a way I can't explain that was handled well as opposed to how things often go with that kind of scenario. Plus the boy loves cats? 1000 brownie points. I teased him like crazy, so I sat pretty much fully fierce on the spectrum and I got the Dominatrix ending. Nice. The romance scenes are kind of a work of art? Thank you for existing, Oh Wise and Powerful Celianna. I don't currently have the money for Plus but when my finances change here in a few months, I feel like I'll definitely have to revisit what's available. Because if that's tame, I'm 10000% down for what you consider not tame. I'm really excited for Aiden's route? Maybe it's just because I want another boy to tease though, I'm not sure. He's pretty to look at and I'm sure he'd be prettier blushing for me.

All jokes aside, you've got an amazingly solid game here that would easily make hardcore VN and new fans alike go crazy. I'm always super excited to see stories that touch on more serious topics and VNs with more depth to their characters. It's also incredibly nice to have decently sized chapters and a lot of them so that the story doesn't seem so forced. It really flowed well here, between the pacing, the writing, the music and effects, I'm really really impressed and I'm usually left a little wanting at the end of games like this no matter how much I love them. I didn't really feel that here. I've only played the one route so far but I'm gonna go lose myself in the other two. Thanks so much for all your hard work and dedication. Thanks a second time for making a free version I can fall in love with to assure I'll buy this at full price later or pay for your patreon to keep it with me forever. <3

I slipped into this choosing to play the character I was least attracted to first of the currently released

It's always funny to me to see how many people play games this way! I personally just avoid characters I know I wouldn't like, but am quite surprised at the amount of people who will play every character, starting with the one they think they'd dislike the most. But I'm happy Dimitri eventually won you over! He's won many players' hearts :)

I'm really excited for Aiden's route? Maybe it's just because I want another boy to tease though, I'm not sure. He's pretty to look at and I'm sure he'd be prettier blushing for me.

You and me both! Can't wait to start on Aiden, he will be so much fun to tease. However I have to mention that Aiden is in a unique situation. The plan was for all 6 guys to be available and free to play. Anything adult/sexual gets put in the Plus version of the game, and the free one has it removed/rewritten. This works for everything so far, but Aiden is... Well, his route has a sexual aspect in focus, so if I remove this for the free version, I basically have no story. Basically, his story is very sexually charged and I unfortunately cannot release it for free due to the adult themes rampant throughout his route. Most likely, the first couple of chapters will be available, free to read, until the sexual themes start. You would then have to get his Plus DLC to read his full route. It's unfortunate, but that's the decision I made regarding Aiden. I'm not too worried about this decision, because Aiden is 100% a niche character appealing to a very minority of players, so a lot of people would never play him in the first place :)


I always end up wanting to play every route of a VN/Otome I play because I know or at least assume how much time and effort goes into each character. So even if I don't think I'll like someone, I always give them a shot. Starting with the characters I'm least likely to enjoy lets me always end the games on a really positive note. I wonder if that's how other people feel about it, too. Maybe I also picked that up from family dinners where I was taught to eat the things I enjoy last so I know I'll finish all of my food xD. Thankfully? There's not really anyone so far in your games that I don't like. I'd say at the end of the day, you've got some really amazing characters who, while I don't like every aspect of (Here's looking at you, start route Neil), evolve and grow from their faults in a way that real humans do. (My red headed baby....) It makes them that much more loveable and they feel... almost real. The things they've been through and their life lessons and journeys make them some of the most attachable characters I've come across. Especially from something that isn't 'mainstream' like Hakuoki or Amnesia where I started. 

Honestly I really respect your decisions on Aiden's route. I don't mind paying for it when the time comes. I've already broken down and paid for a month of your Patreon for Caine so it's not like I wouldn't be willing to do so again when the time comes. While I don't have a lot of income, I definitely have a weakness to pretty boys and pretty VNs so I'm sure you'll have my support at least for a little while when the time comes. I used to be upset by the locking of NSFW content behind a paywall but honestly, it's better for everyone even without thinking about how it helps you as the artist. Because minors aren't going to be accessing the content, no one gets in trouble(Hopefully), and it keeps the content from being flagged or otherwise.