Really cool game! First thing that stuck out to me was Cave Story music! I loved Cave Story! The dialogue and humor was really awesome too! Definitely had a good laugh at the "two pixels to the left" and "no ceiling" jokes. I'm very impressed with the cutscenes and story you were able to tell in a 30 day game jam! Really cool! The pixel art is really nice as well. I thought the enemies were a little tough at first, but once I figured out that you can spam and maneuver the orb ability I think the game might have been a little too easy. In that last boss fight, I was able to cover behind one of the pillars and spam my orb to kill him slowly. However, I do think the attack mechanic is very interesting and does have potential! But maybe the player can have another main attack that's less powerful, or maybe if the orb couldn't move in other directions or couldn't be spammed as frequently it wouldn't be too powerful. Really awesome game though! I can see a lot of potential in the game's humor if you decided to make it a full game! Bob is a cool dude!
Submitted: T.I.M.E.