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I played with the Xbox controller with a friend and I loved it! It was so damn hectic and we laughed a lot. I hope I can find three other people to play this with one day, it became a bit too challenging too fast when you were only two players. The manager in me came alive, I just wanted to be the captain and order other people around to avoid the ship from sinking ^^

On another note, the "yarr" button was something I did not know I needed in my life. It just brought even more comedy into the game, with having the ability to go full on pirate while panicking!

I am as far as you can get from a console player, but I actually struggled very little with the input. It was easy to pick up what each button was for, even though the ship sunk in the end since I was too focused on putting out the fires...

Glad you liked the game and appreciated the important and very useful "yarr" feature.  :)