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I won't lie and say it's not got an interesting premise, but it's also painfully heterosexual and transphobic. One of the routes is incest. I wanted to like this game and I went in without reading any reviews or anything, but...I don't.

(1 edit) (+38)(-3)

Bro, just because something is heterosexual doesn't mean it's "painful," and just because Karma took offense at being hit on when he was disguised as a woman doesn't make the game or it's developers "transphobic"--that's a little extreme. This is a free game loosely based on fairy tales that happen to be heterosexual in nature. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy gay/lesbian/bi visual novels too and own more than a few myself, but just because a small-scale game doesn't have gay representation shouldn't make it "painfully heterosexual."

Also, Lucette and Rod aren't related by blood and have only known each other for a year, so it's not like they were raised as siblings. Therefore, I wouldn't count it as "incest" in a way that should squick people out. Will it cause problems in the political world? Yes, absolutely. Is it gross? I'd say no, for the above reasons (not related/no sibling bond). Like, if the "incest" could literally be solved by the parents getting a divorce, then it doesn't really count as incest in my mind  ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍


I guess now is almost the rule to include a route with a gay/lesbian/bi character in an otome game, but let's not mark a game as painfully heterosexual if it doesn't have one. Let's just enjoy the games for what they are. 

And I agree with @AverageWeirdo on the incest topic. It was indeed something risky to add a route with such a complicated background, but the characters are not blood related, and barely now each other, so in essence they are not really family. 


I wholeheartedly agree with you on all points. The OP comment was tactless and unnecessary. I own several LGBT otome games\VNs myself and I enjoy the representation but I'm not self centered or entitled enough to throw a fit about the heterosexual games that exist. At it's base, A VN like this one is an extension of  a story or part of the artist and they don't owe you ANYTHING in a story they are giving you to play for free. People really will complain about anything, even the things handed to them for little to nothing at all. It's unfortunate.


Yeah, that's going too far. If a game doesn't have representation of all minorities, it doesn't make it vicious in any way. And your incest comment is a stretch since they are not blood related. I think it's sad that the world has come to this, that something is of less value because it didn't meet absolutely everyone's expectations. How about just enjoying a well-written story for what it is?


I agree with you fully. 2020 is such a sad year. I hate to think of what's to come.

Deleted 355 days ago

Who gives a fuck if the game doesn't include a guy with a pussy. The game doesn't have to live up to your shitty irrelevant standars.


yikes, thanks for the warning. incest routes (even if they're adopted) already squick me out, but transphobia? eww


theres no transphobia or homophobia in this game lmao and they arent blood related tho it did weird me out a little other than that the story line and art is amazing i totally recommend playing it it

Deleted 2 years ago