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A member registered Dec 19, 2018

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As the lucky schmuck who's been editing the game and therefore has played the whole thing, I can *confidently* say--you aren't wrong 😜. Definitely keep some kleenex handy!

When I saw that CG of the baby shark twins?? OMG, I legitimately *squealed* they were so cute, and that's beyond out of character for me ❤️❤️❤️

Very excited to play Jin's route, but I think I'm going to wait a little bit--compared to the "general" part of the game and other routes, the coding is a bit bare-bones. Expression changes/emotions will be mentioned in the narration (ie: I blushed/was shocked/etc.) or dialogue will indicate a change of emotion/state, but the on-screen sprites don't change, and there's a glaring lack of music/background noise. So, while I'm sure the route is playable and enjoyable, I think I'll wait until it's been polished a bit more so it's even MORE enjoyable 😉.

But thank you to the creator for making this incredible game, words cannot express how much I love Haru and his sass and sarcasm, and I really respect him as a character/person! Also, your humor is on-point, and I appreciate how you handle heavy topics. This is a very well-done game on the whole, and I'll be replaying it lots in the future, I'm sure ❤

Very excited to play Jin's route, but I think I'm going to wait a little bit--compared to the "general" part of the game and other routes, the coding is a bit bare-bones. Expression changes/emotions will be mentioned in the narration (ie: I blushed/was shocked/etc.) or dialogue will indicate a change of emotion/state, but the on-screen sprites don't change, and there's a glaring lack of music/background noise. So, while I'm sure the route is playable and enjoyable, I think I'll wait until it's been polished a bit more so it's even MORE enjoyable 😉.

But thank you to the creator for making this incredible game, words cannot express how much I love Haru and his sass and sarcasm, and I really respect him as a character/person! Also, your humor is on-point, and I appreciate how you handle heavy topics. This is a very well-done game on the whole, and I'll be replaying it lots in the future, I'm sure ❤

My guess is sometime this summer (July/Aug) but Meyaoi hasn't officially said anything, so it could be sooner or later than that  ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I'd recommend following her twitter for updates :)

It sounds like Meyaoi's in the midst of making a new progress video right now, which should update you. You can also check out her twitter: She posts a lot of stuff there, definitely worth checking out :)'m guessing he has a personal reason for wanted to catch this murderer, cuz that just seems counter-intuitive 😅

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No, the first Beta isn't out yet. It was originally slated to come out this Jan - March, but the release date has likely been pushed back a bit so that Meyaoi can release the first demo in a complete form (1 romantic route + all festivals, mechanics, events, etc.).

I'd suggest keeping tabs on Meyaoi's Twitter ( for relatively frequent updates, but I'm sure once the beta releases we'll all get emails and this page will be updated 😊

Happy to help 😊

I don't think the demo/game is voiced at this point, so none of the characters should be making any sound right now.

Hi there! So, from what I myself understand, as the game progresses and Meyaoi completes a new romantic route, those of us with beta access should receive an email telling us about the update and we can download the latest version from this page. 

As for when we should expect the first Beta version, it was original meant to come out sometime this January-March, but while Meyaoi will still try to make that deadline, it's very likely been pushed back a bit so she can release a Beta Route with all the side-quests, festivals, and mechanics completed. 

Meyaoi is pretty good about updating her Twitter fairly often about the game's progress, so I'd recommend following her here:

I hope all this helps 😊

You bet! A few people have asked this question earlier in the comments, so here's what Meyaoi said to them:

- Re-purchase the game at the $45 tier

- Then, request a refund on your previous purchase to, stating the reason (for upgrading the tier)

Hope this helps! 😉👍

I believe how it works is you would get beta access to the game as it develops, then once the game has it's full release (December 2022 at this point, tho it may be pushed back a bit) then Meyaoi will send the physical merchandise that comes with the collectors edition. And of course you'd have access to the completed game once it releases 😉

Ah, so what that was is you could design a ranch employee that the main character would be able to hire in-game. And yes, I'm pretty sure that option is gone now.

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Yes, the beta did end up getting delayed--on New Years Eve, Meyaoi posted this tweet:
saying that she wouldn't be able to make the original beta 1 release date and she conducted a poll asking fans whether we'd prefer a delayed but complete release (includes all festivals, side quests, cooking mechanics, etc.) OR if we'd like an on-time release that was missing elements that she'd add in as time went. The overwhelming response was "Delayed but complete, please" 😅

As for when we should now expect the beta 1 release, Meyaoi hasn't said. I personally am going to guess sometime this summer, (ie: maybe June or July), but it could very well be sooner or later than that. 

Basically, I'd suggest following Meyaoi's twitter (whether you have an account or not) as she posts updates on her progress fairly regularly there, so that way you'll for-sure be up-to-date on news as it happens 😉👍

Yeah, it sounds like this "Lucette Bug" may have been fixed in the 1.1 version of the game, but although that may be the one on Steam and they said it should be available on can only see version 1.0.2 on itch, which still has the bug 😅. I don't think they've properly changed the download link for the newest version on that, or the Lucette Bug is not, in fact, fixed yet 🙃

No worries, I just wanted to be sure I was understanding the situation properly 😊. Good luck on all your current projects tho!

Question about the 1.1 update--I can only see version 1.0.2, which last I checked still has the Lucette bug (if the Lucette bug is when her sprite keeps showing up when it's not supposed to).

Am I missing something? Or is 1.0.2 what they meant by "version 1.1"?

Has the game update already occurred and I'm just late to the party, or has the expected update-date been pushed back?🤔 (or cancelled...🥺)

Fair enough! There could very well be something behind it, but I think it may just be an aesthetic choice that can be waived off due to the whole "parallel universe" thing. I'll be curious to see if it does have any deeper meaning/implication tho, cuz that could be interesting 😊👍

I think it's just his uniform as Chief of Police, though maybe there's more to it, who knows ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Not sure if this is where we should post about bugs, but I've noticed a few times that Lucette's sprite will pop up for a split second in between dialogue boxes when someone else is talking, when it's clearly not supposed to. This happened at various points in Rod's route, and I'm now playing Karma's route and I've noticed the same thing as well (ie: when Lucette is talking with Emmaline about what to name the special b-day cocktail)

Has anyone else noticed the same thing?

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I'm not sure about the conversion either (I'm Canadian) but imma pay it regardless 😅. Though you'd think that the conversion would be split the same way the original US amount is? But again, I don't actually know

I feel ya, I prefer Steam since it can more easily track my play-time and achievements. However, I've decided that I can't possibly wait any longer for Evermore, and I want to support these amazing dev's and I have the money to do so, so I'm going to buy the itch version ASAP, and then I'll buy the Steam version once it's available and I'll play that version going forward :)

I paid/donated $21USD for Cinderella Phenomenon after I played it for free on Steam since it was such a great game, and buying Evermore twice will cost around the same amount, so it makes logical sense in my mind (even though Evermore will be shorter). 

Anyhoo, I wish thee luck in coming to your own decision! :)

The first beta version (1 romantic route) will be available sometime this January-March, and anyone who purchased Beta Access will be able to play it and the other Beta versions that get released going forward.

The Final game release is currently slated for around December 2022, so in around two years 😉

MY BODY IS READY (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Right?!?!?! Yolkie so far is definitely my favorite, he's so sassy! Definitely wanna see how Ban "cracks his shell" and gets close to him, lol!

And yes, the wait is gonna be SO worth it, I can tell--and it's almost over! Like, we've still got 2-4 months to go, but since I've been waiting for almost a year now...2 months is nothin'! Super stoked XD

(BTW, if you haven't been following Meyaoi's twitter, you should definitely go do that! They post lots of updates and progress images for the game there on a pretty regular basis 😄. I legit made my first twitter account for the sole purpose of following this game, lol!

Ah, I feel you, though I personally am probably most excited for either Yolkie or Howl---I wanna see Ban win those tough-to-crack guys over 😉. But Cotton is a major sweetie, and I think he'll grow on me just like Moocha did once I see more CG's with him and Ban and see more of their interactions in-game ❤

Okay, I HAVE to know--is the adorable "femboy hooters" cow character that popped up on twitter your design, or someone else's? 😜😆

LOL!!! Well, thank you for making my google search history even more bizarre than it already was 🤣🤣🤣

"Current expected release date for beta access (playable until the end, but with only 1 romance-able character) is Q1 2021" (AKA, around Jan-Mar 2021) 😉

" Current expected release date for beta access (playable until the end, but with only 1 romance-able character) is Q1 2021" (AKA, around Jan-Mar 2021)

Amen to that! Having things to look forward to and/or rewarding ourselves for a job well done is important, but it's also important to make sure not to cross the line into self-indulgence as that is never good 😅

Fair enough! I've been super fortunate in these covid times with my job, and CERB has been immensely helpful as well, but times are hard for a lot of people still :(. It's super awesome that you're treating yourself with beta access tho, kudos! Treating ourselves every now and then to things that bring us joy is super important ❤

I'm pretty sure you can, but maybe email and inquire about it first if you want to be totally sure? (but oh man, I feel you on the Canadian exchange rate--I got some Ranch Employees and wow, it's NOT $485 Canadian Dollars, I can tell you that 😅😂. Totally worth it tho 😜)

You bet! Someone asked this question earlier in the comments, so here's what Meyaoi said to them:

- Re-purchase the game at the $45 tier

- Then, request a refund on your previous purchase to, stating the reason (for upgrading the tier)

Hope this helps! 😉👍

LOL, yaaaaas ლ(´ڡ`ლ). Saber(Sabre?) is definitely a prime specimen of cat-hood, I must say 🧐🤤😳

No problem, my dude (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

He's one half of the love hotel couple, so he's a backer-designed NPC (*cough bought and designed by me cough*)--he's not romanceable, sadly ;p
I can't seem to be able to link the twitter post of their initial reveal, but here's the original pic:

Yeah, definitely play Seiyuu Danshi and maybe "follow" Meyaoi games so you get updated when Banana Ranch finally releases (I think there's a button on the right-hand side of the page that says “Follow Meyaoi Games," just click it 😊). (Tho being a part of the beta team is FUN! Join us...ufufufu 😈)