Oh I did not hear it. Yea some vfx (particles maybe?) would've been great, but that's something you can add latter to make it juicier! (I think screen shake is not so good when picking up collectables though).
I like the idea about hitting them too, adds a variety and it's a good/bad thing when they come. You have to pay attentioon to them, but also means that the enemies will be more vunerable too. But who am I to say haha, just an oppinion.
Whaaaat?! That's even better than! You did a really good job on the game, had a lot of fun with it and it feels polished.
Yea, making it on your own it's really hard but rewarding. I did that on mine too. There are a lot of things we whish to add or to do differently huh?
Like I said, you did great! o/