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There's a lot of good things I can say about this one. I'm a fan of visual novel as a storytelling format and have been for quite some time. It shouldn't surprise anybody that a large number of VNs tend to have much in common:

  • Focus on visually defined characters,
  • Playing as a POV character that is directly involved in the action,
  • Heavy inspiration from Japanese culture.

This VN does away with those trends entirely. You never see what the characters look like, your POV remains unclear for much of the title, and the story has its roots in Scotland. As a disclosure, the bullet list elements are not bad--they are tried and true--but after so much exposure to VNs that do embrace those elements, it is beyond refreshing to see something so different.

Difference from the crowd alone does not make a title worthwhile, but Dear Devere does not fall into the trap of being different for difference's sake. The title wholeheartedly embraces decorated letters not only as the primary form of delivering prose, but as the primary visual element, too. Beyond their visual appeal, these letters are part of the story and many subtleties exist in each that certainly can't be immediately gleaned from an initial singular playthrough. The narrative enhances the visual designs shown, and the visual designs enhance the narrative.

Dear Devere is a fantastic experience. I would gladly recommend it to anybody remotely interested in digital storytelling experiences, even and especially those who shy away from visual novels in their entirety. Well done on the title, and I am extremely excited to see whatever projects the future may hold for you!