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(1 edit)

Hello Spektor,

Do you have any news about the WIP submarine version launch date or beta availability ?
Also, do you have any info about the next space version release ?

I notice that with two players on current 0.8.6a version, when many items (ships, units, ...) are in the sector, a huge bandwidth is necessary (more than 100KB/s). Then the game is not playable for the distant player. Is there any bandwidth optimization scheduled or possible ?

Again, thank you very much for developing a FTL like game with multiplayer co-op.


About the WIP submarine version:

I'm still working on changing the art stile.

No release date is still set.

About the space version releases:

I just released a new version for the space version. It contained an important bug fix.

No other releases are planned in the near future for the space version.

About the bandwidth optimization - this is the already optimized version that you are describing :D