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A member registered Mar 18, 2017

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Thank you SnipeaxX, I know how logmein-hamachi works.

With or without hamachi or other VPN service, the multiplayer mode requires a high bandwidth (understand HIGH SPEED INTERNET CONNECTION). So for me, with just 4mbps aDSL connection, it is not possible to play with a friend. With two or three ships on the "level", it is ok, but one more ship (with many AI controlled units), and the game become unplayable. And we are only two on the server...

I think the game needs more network optimizations.


Got the same problem. I think its related to bandwidth. The game is not playable online for me, only LAN.

Do you play online or LAN ?

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Hello Spektor,

Do you have any news about the WIP submarine version launch date or beta availability ?
Also, do you have any info about the next space version release ?

I notice that with two players on current 0.8.6a version, when many items (ships, units, ...) are in the sector, a huge bandwidth is necessary (more than 100KB/s). Then the game is not playable for the distant player. Is there any bandwidth optimization scheduled or possible ?

Again, thank you very much for developing a FTL like game with multiplayer co-op.

Hello Spektor,

Yes I tried to activate in settings menu, nothing happen, so I restarted the game, and the same.

I don't know, maybe because my screen does not have other resolutions available than 2560x1440. And the game tries to "fullscreen" with a lower res.

Does the new version underwater suffers the same problem ? It seems more "polished" than Tachyon on your screenshots.

Can we start the game with resolution parameter/argument in command line ?

Thank you.

Thank you for your response.
Fullscreen is not working for me. My desktop screen is only 2560x1440p. The game is launched inside a small not re-sizable window.

Thank you for continuing developing upper resolutions :)
Have a good day.

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Thank you for the update.
I can't wait to try this underwater version :).

Also, could you tell me if high resolution(1080p+) and fullscreen will be available ? (because it doesn't work with current tachyon version).

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I'm on Linux (ArchLinux), and I can't be able to switch to fullscreen.

The button is going yellow, but nothing is happening. (Even after restarting the game)

The version is the latest (0.8.6).

Here is my java version:

$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_131"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.9) (Arch Linux build 7.u131_2.6.9-1-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.131-b00, mixed mode)

Edit: Tried with [ openjdk version "1.8.0_121" ] and same problem.

Also, when I launch the game, it saying to me:

$ java -jar Tachyon.jar
[Client] Loading client parameters
[Client] Client config file /home/xxxx/Tachyon/Client/config.cfg not found!

Is there any documentation for this config.cfg ?

Thank you for your help on fullscreen setting.