Completely agree. And it gets worse.
1. On the bundles page on itch app we cant open any of then on a new tab. Clicking either the name or download reloads the tab, in my case the back button doesnt even work, only clicking on ''back to bundle''...
2...wich makes you go back from download to PAGE 1. Not even where you were at. Always back to page one.
3. Opening the game pages on other tabs or the browser give no indication you own then throught the bundle
4. You cant download your version throught their page...
5. Clicking on the temporary link to the bundle on the games pages (wich will certainly disapear after the campaing stops) leads you to the purchase page, not the page of your purchase
The whole horrible interface and logical flaws could all be forgiven IF we could just download the games from their own pages like anyone who purchased then directly (either through the same links/buttons or a new one that only appears if you own a bundle that contains it). That way we would have a workaround at least. Forcing us to go through 25 unsorted pages, unable to check then and go back, and any operationg bringing us back to page 1...
I apreciate the good will and initiative towards a good cause. I apreciate the content. Heck i apreciate itch exists. But the way its done sends a message of not caring, aftertough at best, or amateurish and rushed.
also sends some other bad messages:
1. That itch doesnt see nor treat bundles as purchases, or who buy then as customers.
2. That youre not supposed to enjoy or find bundles.
3. That itch or someone there wants people to forget about bundles, forget they ''own'' something from one and buy it again
I cant tell if someone trully thinks that way, i suppose not but thats what the experience tells us.