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A member registered Jul 13, 2016

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I will have my hopes up then, fingers crossed!

Any plans for an english version?

Im a bit disapointed in its current state

-is it a bug on my end or the shortcuts arent global? Given the multi-tasking, on-top nature it desperatly needs global keys

-i need to customize the keys. Lots of the shortcuts are shortcuts used by a lot of programs, so if/when theres global shortcuts we could configure it not to conflict- i also use global shortcuts on other apps and so we should be able to avoid conflict.

-my main gripe is not having shortcuts to make a window (or all windows) interactive/non-interactive, on-top on/off and increase/decrease opacity (also a play/pause for videos and multimedia/youtube).

My taskbar gets filled quickly, using it for classes and such i hoped i could play/pause, move, re-arrange and change the opacity of windows on the fly. As it is things arent flowing like i hoped they would from the pitch and the features. Just tried with a video while taking notes and alt-tabing around and i had to find/reach the app taskbar all the time, use the menu shortcut(ctrl+t), make the window interactive, close the menu, pause, take some notes, pressing play again, then forgetting i had turned interactivity on, going back to make it non-interactive again...

i just bought and havent tried with many things yet, but i already expect scrollable documents being unusable as click-trough the same way, since there wouldnt be any way to quickly turn interactivity on/off to scroll- at wich point i would fare better squeezing windows side by side like ive been doing for quite awhile

its extremely clunky right now. Works better when i dont have the need for click-through or on-top (so when im not using 2 of the main features i bought it for) or on content that is long and i wouldnt be pausing (a much smaller usecase, and one sites like youtube already cover with picture in picture)

Are any of those planned features? Any eta on then? If not please consider those feature requests. Imo high priority ones. The whole idea is awesome, lots of potential, but those few crucial missed marks severely hampers it

(1 edit)

Besides all the trouble of activating/linking games from the Racial bundle, now im finding out some are bugged for me.

I can rember at least two- Silk and Mech Romancer- but frankly clicking randomly others showed the same issue:

-on the app clicking on install opens the choice for directory, but not download options ever come up. No loading dots either- the field is just empty

-clicking on the title opens the page on the built-in browser- and it shows buy instead of download button

Going on the racial bundle link, searching for the title and clicking download shows the download page proper, that one with just the download buttons, and it properly says its linked to my account.

Ive tried closing and reopening the app, also cleaned all browser data (everything), re-logged in... problem persists

That ruins usability. Packaged games have to be downloaded as zip, installed manually... makes me have to go to a browser, find the not so quick to access link to the bundle, search for a title (wich i have to have memorized), then download, then download again, then browsing my mess of folders...

How can i fix this?

I wonder if the amount of titles im activating at once have anything to do with this- but the only reason im activating a bunch one after another is because thats the only real practical way of proper getting the bundle into my account. Ive been going page after page, opening titles in new tabs- wich btw doesnt work either, only after opening dowload link and after opening the game page from there it works...

but with a few titles it doesnt work

Im also suspecting of that being the cause. Its like clicking on the download page dont add a game to the library, only clicking on the game link from said download/purchase page does the association. So... maybe some games purchase page clickable game page link arent triggering the association?

Ive postponed going through the bundle proper for a whole year, and i still cant have a enjoiable experience. This was a terrible terrible choice and its all over the place.

Please dont get me wrong. I love what itch does. I love that it exists. I even planned on releasing something on it if i can get my messy experiments into something worthy. But as things are itch makes me work for it, and i have to try hard to continue using it and buying on it.

I hope i can work around this bug/issue in some way- but it would be sooo much easier if itch provided a link to 1 click associate/add everything to account for those of us who want it. At least give us the choice

PS: i found out that in a web browser while logged in going through my library or just searching for a bugged title shows that gray bar on the top 'you ow this game' with a download button. But that leads to that same download/purchase page. My issue is making the app recognize some titles, so i can download via the app

Neat! Maybe create a community here so we can discuss moding?
With him mucking around i just realized i can use him to actually help me: instead of memes (or just memes) he dragging REMINDERS for me. I use sticky notes but they end up becoming part of the background- much better when something brings random notes to my attention...

whats the best way to use him in that way? I edited some of the txt files and it worked- can i just create other txts? add however many images i want?

Awesome josephk. If we were able to scrap things like tags/genres it would be perfect.

The ''workaround'' ive found was via the browser and opening tabs:

1. In the browser ALL buttons and links are working properly- meaning we can open in another tab without loosing wich page we`re on.

2. Opening *download* in a *new tab* ACTIVATES the game in the library *even without downloading*;
Just opening the tab with the download links count as activating/import to library

The way im browsing is opening a games tab, checking it out then opening the download of the ones im interested right now (simply because activating everything is really a lot)- but if anyone wants you can just open in tabs every iten, page by page, and sort things in the library... but its really a lot, i dont recomend.

Im amazed by how many different things are inside- in the bundle page i noticed there were some tabletop rpgs but i had no idea how many (and i freaking love indie rpgs). I blindly bought just because of the charity and so far its better then i expected (by sheer quanitity and variety alone).

But of course i didnt had the time to check on quality- i spent some hours yestarday doing the tabs malabarism and i was completely tired by page 20... at least theres only 5 pages left today BUT i had to rush past lots of stuff and only focused on the ttrpgs for now.

Completely agree. And it gets worse.

1. On the bundles page on itch app we cant open any of then on a new tab. Clicking either the name or download reloads the tab, in my case the back button doesnt even work, only clicking on ''back to bundle''...

2...wich makes you go back from download to PAGE 1. Not even where you were at. Always back to page one.

3. Opening the game pages on other tabs or the browser give no indication you own then throught the bundle

4. You cant download your version throught their page...

5. Clicking on the temporary link to the bundle on the games pages (wich will certainly disapear after the campaing stops) leads you to the purchase page, not the page of your purchase

The whole horrible interface and logical flaws could all be forgiven IF we could just download the games from their own pages like anyone who purchased then directly (either through the same links/buttons or a new one that only appears if you own a bundle that contains it). That way we would have a workaround at least. Forcing us to go through 25 unsorted pages, unable to check then and go back, and any operationg bringing us back to page 1...

I apreciate the good will and initiative towards a good cause. I apreciate the content. Heck i apreciate itch exists.  But the way its done sends a message of not caring, aftertough at best, or amateurish and rushed.

also sends some other bad messages:

1. That itch doesnt see nor treat bundles as purchases, or who buy then as customers.

2. That youre not supposed to enjoy or find bundles.

3. That itch or someone there wants people to forget about bundles, forget they ''own'' something from one and buy it again

I cant tell if someone trully thinks that way, i suppose not but thats what the experience tells us.