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(1 edit)

Okay i've played all the routes ,and gosh i'm at a lost for words. I enjoyed and loved playing it so much! I wanna start by saying I loved all the guys ,but I do have favorites.

While I did love Rama (his little 'stalking' escapades warmed my heart.) I'd have to say my favorites are Mitra ,and Reksa.

Mitra: This guy right here! Just like described is like a big ole teddy bear, he is such a precious cinnamon roll, and despite his giant stature is the most gentle of characters. He's also very easy on the eyes XD I was shocked at how sweet ,amiable, and understanding he was , especially in Reska's route.

Reska: I legitimately squealed near the end of his route , it was slightly more mature of an ending than the others (which if you want to make it even more mature you know ;) i'm not complaining). I loved how possessive he was of mc , and it never came off as being creepy or rude which is good considering Tamara's traumatic past. It just made my heart flutter even more when he would huskily growl "mine" at Tamara ahhh boy did I enjoy his route.

Rama: Omg poor baby, seriously there's only one thing that made me like the other guys route a little more than his ,and it wasn't too big of a deal. Because I mean at least he told her he loved her in the end ,and they shared a few super sweet kisses. Also he got closure which his also a nice touch ,and i'm a huge fan of unrequited love being reciprocated. So his route would of been right up my ally ,however this is just me being picky; Near the end of his route, I was craving a strong establishment of a relationship between him and Tamara. Because, In Mitra's route he "courts" her , and in Reska's route he makes her his "mate" perhaps I just expected it. With Rama we surmise-no wrong word- we know that they will end up together. However, ugh i'm just so persnickety about certain things, and I wanted him to court her just like Mitra. Or exchange something that would promise themselves to each other, like he gives her one of his feathers and she gives him a lock of her pretty blue hair. For Rama because his route is sad ,and extra sad in the others route, omg i'm so bad with tragedy, but because of this I wanted and extra happy ending. I know he has circumstances that probably make him reluctant to court Tamara, he mentions all the time being unworthy of her. But, its the fact that his route is so sad, that I wanted to see him super happy, with some cute blue haired kiddos , with brown wings, and icy-blue eyes. Okay sorry I went a little overboard, but honestly I still really enjoyed his route. It was still a very happy ending which always makes a game worth it. Also I loved how tsunderish he was at times, refusing to admit he has feelings for Tamara, but when someone tries to flirt or court her he's ready to rip their wings out XD

Also the side characters, we also so lovable, Granny Sukma, Asih , and Yuda. I loved them so much too!

Ahh I would love sequels , or epilogues for this game. Ugh just blue haired babies with cute little wings, or mask on their heads. I know it's not possible , but just so you know the fact that I'm asking just shows how much I loved your game.

Thank you so much for giving us the wonderful game to play for free. I can't wait for your next game.

Oh also you already know how much I like your art, but I'll mention it again here. The whole game was beautiful, also when I have time I don't mind helping you with any grammatical errors, only if you want. I'm not 100% confident that i'll be able to make every thing correct, but i'm not too terrible at finding grammatical mistakes.

YAY! You came back so fast! X'D I thought it will need another day or two for you to finish lol.

Your review made me smile first thing in the morning! Thanks! :'D

Aww, I'm so happy you gave the three of them a chance and loved every one of them :'D and yes, Mitra is the most fluffy-sweet route compared to the others! I enjoyed writing them too, but somewhat sad when he got overshadowed by the other bachelors. I'm happy that you noticed his worth :'D

While Reksa... *cough* I often asked myself how did his scenes became so... more mature than the others x'D I sometimes became embarassed when I read his scenes hahahah. I'm glad that a lot of people like this tho :'3

And Rama... I think I know exactly how you feel!

Even I sometimes wanted to pull my hair off whenever Rama became so nitpicky/standoff-ish with Tamara. Heck, she was probably a saint at how patient she was in Rama's route :")) if she didn't relate so much with Rama, I think she will pull off HIS hair hahah x'D his stalkering scene was also one of my favorites <3

Anyways... I'm also a fan of making fluffy/romantic scenes, especially strong ones, but sadly, Rama's psychology won't allow him to be able to accept another person in his heart so fast and he will need a lot of time to get out of his self-depreciating mentality :'( but thanks for the input in this one! You didn't go overboard at all, I'll take note and consider a longer epilogue/extra scene if I create another bachelor with similar circumtances.

Lastly, thanks for liking my art and even offered to be a proofreader >\\\< Currently, I have 2 active proofreaders in my 2nd project. I'll let you know if I decide to get another one/for my next project in the future ^///^

I hope to see you again in the future!



Haha omg i'm laughing because you are so right! I loved the game so much I played through it all night ,and when I got back home from class played it again. I was a zombie in class today XD but it was worth it. Also i'm glad I made you smile, can't wait for your next game.