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(2 edits)

ShinDirafeh, if you follow the steps you can release a mac version that should work.  Below is how people on macs can resolve the issues you ran into:

Some of this issue can be resolved by going into the Mac's Settings->Security & Privacy->Under the General tab->select App Store and Developers

This only resolves part of the problem. The rest can be done by opening a terminal window and typing the following:

chmod +x "/Applications/", adding sudo at the start if needed.

To universally open it up do:

sudo spctl --master-disable

I see, but this is on the end of the player's side isn't it?

(1 edit)

Yes, those actions are required by mac owners to open the permissions for any applications that are not part of Apple's Developer list.  The very last sudo statement  permanently opens those permissions. The chmod is required sometimes if the port from a pc origin doesn't apply the proper execution flag on the app itself (which sometimes doesn't happen).

Wow, that is a very roundabout way to bypass the permissions. :/
Once I'm done with the bugfixing, I'll try to upload one Mac version for you to try of this method works.

Heya, I've uploaded the new Mac version. Do let me know if the method you've posted works.