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thanks pally :) Trying to make someone with a tram reactive to what you pick. I guess another method could be to attach a flag to whatever starter is picked?

Thing about being able to check if the user has a monster tho is like you could have an artist who goes 'oh I want to paint a picture of monster_a, could you show me one?' and then if you have it you get a reward or something :)

Thanks fer yer 'elp!

Yeah, setting a flag in the menu event for selecting the starter would be the more robust option, since it will also work even if the player would release or trade away their starter, for instance - and you'd also not have to deal with extra cases for the starter's evolutions!

true true! in this case, it's for the first person the trainer fights in the game, so they probably couldn't trade it etc, but you're defo right long-term