Hi Quigo, apparently it is not a problem coming from the scripts but maybe with little details inside the image settings and the positions in the scene.
For example I can imagine that the fact you only see the "P" letter from the image is to check if you did a setup for the grid of the menu sprite. You need to have a grid the same size than the image. (400, 300)
For the start button, if there is no problem with the script, the ray, the hovering, etc.. Maybe it is the position of the images or a setting detail.
It is maybe a really difficult detail to spot, I recommend you to try comparaison of your project and the one from the tutorial.
To find out the differences, you can download the project.zip folder here, put it in your projects folder (..\AppData\Roaming\Superpowers\projects if windows) and open it in superpowers. Look in settings and properties of differents images and scene. If you spot something different, do tests on your own.
There is also maybe bug in the tutorial :), please don't hesitate to give more details, maybe there is something I missed and I would change it.