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(1 edit)

Game Design

So the main problem with this may come only from a wrong upload, as the window was underscaled and i could only play “properly” if edited the html file.

Shooting inaccurate, but that may only come from the rescaling as well.

Some thoughts about the game: Waves could spawn faster and i higher numbers and some more variety would be nice.

Also some enviromental hazards would be nice to look for as well, so you will have to look at the terrains as well as the enemies.

Level Design

Sadly the only map was a single rectangle with some sprites. On the level design i spoke a bit about terrain hazards, and maybe some more maps would be nice for variety.


The art is solid. My only problem was that the overall theme was not really cohesive. The enemies really look far apart from each other and the player without a cohesive theme for me.


My only issue with the sound was the shooting effect which was way louder than the music, some ingame settings would be nice to tone the levels.

Adherence to the theme(s)

The 3 “themes” was clock, orange, school. Orange was represented by the hat and the color of the main boss. The main character could be seen as a school janitor, but that is a far strecth. This was the weakest point for the game.


The game was pretty with it’s sprites, but nothing else is really a standout from other room shoot-em ups.


With this few waves and enemy types, and the lack of ability to speedrun this really cuts down the replayability of the game.

Is this a roguelike ?

So… this is the hardest category to rate, as roguelike is hard to categorize. No random levels, no real progression which you can re-play in different playthrough. No items or abilities or such can be kept between runs. This is also a weakpoint for the entry. More levels randomized and more enemies, maybe pickups would help the game on this front.