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How do i get Ending B please someone help me!

When the parents ask you if you will submit or not if you say "No" after the scene of amicus and Cato's fight you will get the Ending B

I'm also having difficulty with that. When I tried that, it just ended for me. Am I doing something wrong?

No, that's the ending B


If you're referring to the game ending after the fight, that's not Ending B. Ending B ends at the same place Ending A does and depends on what you select earlier in the game, however from what I could tell, you have to always submit to the parents. 


I mean, up to interpretation but I guess you can say there are 3 endings, even though one just happens because you fucked up big time and the Parents are like "Oh well, thanks for trying, you can just sit in this void forever."

(1 edit) (+2)

There are three questions throughout the game that determine your ending, with ending A being the result of answering at least 2/3 optimistically, and ending B being at least 2/3 pessimistic answers. I believe the important questions are (from memory):

What does death mean (Infinity A/Oblivion B)

Will Amicus be a good emperor (Yes A/No B)

Should Amicus talk more with Neferu (Yes A/ No B)

The option to refuse the parents' plan just leads to a bad end.

Isn't there also the one that's like "Will you give yourself to the benevolent of the Parents?"

I feel like that one's less of an ending A vs ending B, and more of a good end/bad end situation, considering the point in the game it affects determines whether you live or die there.

Oh yeah, you have ending A and B where it's both the same event except the imformation you're given is different in each. One being how beautiful your life will be with Amicus, and the other being what you're exactly supposed to do on Earth.

And then you have THAT ending where you just die and float in space forever, waiting for Amicus. Aimlessly.