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(6 edits)

Quick update: unfortunately using the Steam configurator doesn't work super well with this game, since mixing keyboard and controller buttons causes the game to pop up "new input detected" anytime it gets input from one to the other, and it seems like the gamepad buttons are being detected regardless of if I'm overriding them :(

The controller UX stuff is pretty slick honestly, and it would be great if the controller already worked correctly, but once you want to use fiddly configs like this, it kind of falls apart a little... I think other games have worked around this by giving you the option to disable controller inputs, along with choosing your button prompts manually and stuff like that.


Hello! And… ah jeez! The dpad thing was actually on our radar, but we never got around to getting it to work… was being finicky prior to release, I think, and then after release I fixed all the immediate bugs and put it on pause. I’m picking it back up now though, so you can expect me to fix dpad support within the week, I’d like to say?

I can also add an option to prevent it from automatically detecting inputs, too– this won’t allow you to input using Keyboard controls and Controller controls simultaneously (it just isn’t set up that way!), but it should allow you to remap your controller to keyboard inputs and do what you were trying to do in the first place.

I’m glad you’re enjoying the game in spite of these issues, and while I can’t guarantee they’ll be fixed too quickly, I promise I will fix them!


Thanks for replying! I ended up playing through with my Steam Controller instead—it just behaves as a keyboard so I don't have the gamepad-specific problems, and the smaller analog stick is at least usable for this game, though (even having the silly touchpad as a dpad) it's still not a substitute for a proper dpad. Worked out just fine c:

Anyway, I finished the game a few minutes ago! It had a lot of neat puzzles, was very satisfying to explore even if I got stuck a couple times, and threw me some curveballs (especially towards the end). Also there's lesbians so that just makes it even better!! (I've had a good streak of selecting games with lesbians from the bundle it seems, intentionally or otherwise 🤔)

Was surprised to see that I missed so many palettes though, I only got 32/43! They must be well-hidden :o


I’m glad you found something that worked for you in the end! And you must be lucky– OR there are a lot of lesbians in the bundle, take your pick. Probably the latter!

A lot of the palettes are very carefully hidden and some of them even have special prerequisites that need to be met, assuming I didn’t break those in an update, so good luck to anyone trying to find them all ;)