This game is amazing! The art is great. The music, while short, is SUPER GOOD! The hats (at least the ones I found thus far) were snazzy as they should be. The randomness adds to the experience. The controls even make the game very mobile-friendly, I should add. The gameplay itself is generally very challenging and fun.
The problems I had were that I died a few times because I didn't know what to do in certain areas such as with the bubble. Jumping is weird too. I have to press space *quickly* to double jump, but when I press space at a slower pace I jump and dash. This one is fine however. Oh yeah, and add a button which takes me back to the main menu and exit the game please, as I would like to not have to use CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart the game.
Great job! I enjoyed playing one of the greats in this jam! Looking forward to future updates!