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Thanks for trying... If i test it the pickup issue only occures when i am too far away from an object. When there are multiple items stacked onto each other throw the item off into the distance and pick the other item up.

I am not sure that is my issue. I can in some cases click on the objects, but when I do they are moving weirdly around.

(1 edit) (+1)

The items jumps after your mouse. The velocity is calculated by the velocity of your mouse and by the distance of how far away the item is from the mouse. So the further away an item is from your mouse the easier it gets to throw it to you.
If you take a quick look in the gameplay trailer you can see how you can transport stuff... (the audio of the video is not in sync so mute it :) )
And if you don't know how far or close the item is to the camera Press Y to switch the camera angle.


if you want to play it again ive made a playthrough for the first two areas. I explain how the mechanics work.

If you want to give it another shot...
The playthrough is on the page of the game or here: 

I have watch the video and it makes the game idea looking interesting. I have no idea, how I was suppose to have guessed, what I was suppose to do. But okay you have tried to make something new and interesting, and that is really good. 

I have also tried to play the game again. For me the controls is still pretty weird, and I am apparently really good at loosing all of my stuff.