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(4 edits)

Hey guys, I love everything about this visual novel, the art, tsundere heroine, male lead variety, art omg, FAMILY theme in addition to romance.

Saw on your youtube comment that the estimated release is July-August. Gosh my biggest dilemma is preordering the standard OR deluxe. I want the extra SS stories and the deluxe pack sounds nice but I have never paid more than $30 USD for any visual novel esp not less than 40 hours gameplay. I will have to save up first ($35 USD will be $45ish AUD) and pre-order asap!

Hey Vtran!

Thank you for your lovely comments, I'm very happy to know that Kokorogawari has caught your interest!

We would definitely recommend anyone to get the deluxe version as it contains the artbook of the artists' CGs and unreleased sketches, the beautiful soundtrack painstakingly composed by our artists and of course, the secret SS stories! :D

If it helps however, we are currently having a Greenlight on Steam to help us get onto the Steam store. There will be download packs (of course, more expensive) that one can purchase at any time. So please think about which platform you would prefer buying from!

In the meantime, please help to vote for Kokorogawari on Steam!! :D

Thanks for the quick reply!

Considering the amount of work and art that went into this I will def preorder the deluxe version!

I have already voted yes on Steam to green light the visual novel. I'm shocked that more people haven't come across this beautiful visual novel.

Thank you so much vtran!^^

We are still a pretty unknown group, but I do hope that Steam will help us to reach more people! :)

Just wondering would this game in addition to being released on Steam be available for download DRM-free? I have steam but don't like the fact that the application needs to be running.