I've played through to the start of Day 4 today intending to play more than one game today, but instead I just got so sucked into this one! I really enjoy the art style and animations, and the colors are great.
The combat works pretty well. I've found I'm able to carry my team through on mainly morale and skills rather than using very many non-healing items, which is pretty good because I ended up giving a lot of those away.
The (non-sniping) combat system itself reminds me very much of VATS from Fallout New Vegas mixed with Pokemon. It feels kind of weird to shoot someone (who isn't wearing a helmet!!) in the head with a gun - or really, anywhere with a gun - and not kill them or knock them out. The idea that you can evade a bullet also feels unusual to me conceptually. Neither of these things are unique in games though, so I can't really say it detracts. Maybe it's just that it gets highlighted by the combination of weaponry and the mechanics of how you use them in the game? It's unusual (or at least new-to-me) and caught me by surprise, but I have to say that it does work.
The game requires a decent amount of strategy and actually seems fairly well balanced in the sense that you can't just select random stuff and expect to get through fights by the early middle of the game. As well, NPCs with the same roles and/or art seem to fight with different strategies in different battles, which makes it feel varied.
I also feel really attached to my whole team by now, and the level design is SUPER SUPER GOOD. This must have taken so much work. I'm really impressed.
I got this game as part of the Racial Justice bundle.