i guess i have another question, the coordinates are in (h,v) both being from +90 to -90, so in the second event, by this coordinate system, there is no -158.55, unless you use the +90 as a replacement for 0, in which case, why not just use -68.55? it's pretty confusing (also i keep getting scared that i'll miss the event, since where im at they dont give a date)
Vertically the view is limited to +-90 to prevent flipping upside down, but horizontally you should be able to spin entirely around with coordinates between 180 and -180, where negative H is left of Earth, positive is right, and looking at coordinates 0x0 is the middle of Earth. So -158.55 is that many degrees left from Earth.
By the way, you can pause the game speed while you look around if the collision is occurring too soon. I believe the only station function not possible while paused is firing the laser.