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A member registered Oct 27, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hi, maybe try deleting the save file: on the title screen click the arrow on the right side of the username text box to find the option. Then exit and restart the game.

This is just a guess though, because I’m unable to upgrade to Catalina and test myself due to known compatibility issues with critical software.

Hope that helps!

Hi! If auto-targeting isn’t turning the camera where you want to be, you can manually target using CTRL + arrows to move the camera to those coordinates.

Vertically the view is limited to +-90 to prevent flipping upside down, but horizontally you should be able to spin entirely around with coordinates between 180 and -180, where negative H is left of Earth, positive is right, and looking at coordinates 0x0 is the middle of Earth.  So -158.55 is that many degrees left from Earth.

By the way, you can pause the game speed while you look around if the collision is occurring too soon. I believe the only station function not possible while paused is firing the laser.

Hi! I’d prefer to keep this comment section free of spoilers. Thank you!

Hi, you’re not doing anything wrong, this is a known glitch I haven’t been able to solve! The work-around is not a great solution but if you stop the camera from spinning by moving it manually (CTRL+arrows) and point it a bit closer to where you’re trying to target (at the start of the first mission the asteroid is left of earth, between the earth and sun), try targeting again and it should work. Hopefully one day I will figure out this bug!

Hi! It looks like you figured it out but I'll post some tips here in case anyone else needs them (I have received multiple questions about the second mission).

There are a few options for moving the camera to find coordinates:

  • Use the COORDS tab of the Eye app to look at the coordinates
  • Use the Terminal command 'eye lookat HxV' where H and V are horizontal (x axis) and vertical (y axis) coordinates, with no spaces (use negative values like this: 'eye lookat -100x-100'
  • Manually move the camera with the arrow buttons in the CONTROL tab of the Eye or keys CTRL+arrows

Hi! You made it to the end, sorry if the game isn't clear about that! Thanks for playing!

Hi! For that mission, if you find pluto or sylvia then move your view by the amount of the relative coordinates, you should find it.

I’m glad you enjoyed it! One day I’d love to make a follow-up that continues this story. I do have some ideas, but they are not yet ready for development so I can’t promise anything haha

Hi, thanks for playing! That’s the last mission and the end of the game.