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No confusion. Buster was released on 6th July 2019 – not quite a year ago, as I said.

I’m guessing that you are right about that being the cause of the problem. Does anyone here have any specific experience and know for sure?

Unfortunately I use my computer for a lot of things, not just games, so I can’t always upgrade right away. Less than a year is hardly an “older machine”, at least outside of gaming circles…


What I meant by that is, the software versions in Debian 9 were frozen in 2014 when it was first released. Your software is now 6 years old. It continued to receive bug fixes and security patches, but it didn't get any newer in all this time.

And yes, it's a shitty thing that so much software always expects all of us to have the latest and greatest the instant it's released. My pet peeve is Python apps starting to require version 3.8 as a minimum literally hours after it hit the official download mirrors. That sucks.

Unfortunately I don't have specific experience with Debian 9, but most Unity games wouldn't run for me even on a more up-to-date Linux. Some at least had the decency to say it was due to expecting a GPU with OpenGL 3.0 features; most would just crash. Sadly, I doubt this can be fixed easily or at all. Sorry.


Well – assuming we are both right – the good news is, once I can upgrade, the games will start working.

Out of the 30 or so games I’ve so far downloaded from the bundle only five or six have the issue. It’s not the end of the world.

Although it makes me less inclined to try Unity myself in future. Think I’ll stick to Love or maybe Godot.

Ubuntu 20.04 and arch works okay with Death and Taxes,Overland,Night in Woods etc. Any specific games you're having problem with?

Deleted 3 years ago

None of that applied to me at the time. Thanks, but that's not it.