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On a more serious note, what do people think is going on with the Bedrock? We're hearing it groan and shift in ways Asterion can't, and you'd think one of the Masters would've brought it up to him before if they had heard it too. I'm betting it's recent - well, since Master Jean's passing at least. These old gods are already not really worshipped anymore, and Asterion is still somewhat faithful to them but was locked away a long time - could they and the realm be running out of power, especially while Asterion couldn't do even little rituals like the hearth for Hestia? That's a scary thought.


I've been wondering about the bedrock, too. And yes, it's strange that Asterion cannot hear the noises... but he is weirdly cautious about us getting too close to the crystalline rock, or touching it. He definitely knows something about it that we do not, and he's worried. Either for us, or the rock, or both.

It's interesting that you said the realm might be running out of power. Maybe the bedrock really is an energy source. It also seems to possess some kind of intelligence, since it can emulate machines if you "explain" their function properly. It's almost like it's alive, or a magical equivalent to an AI, keeping the realm up and running. 

There is also the issue of the sky  showing completely unknown constellations, as Luke noticed in his conversation with Asterion.  And the fact that spacetime seems to be behaving weirdly: people seem to be able to reach the hotel from all parts of the world with little trouble, the corridors of the hotel seem to be infinitely long and never turn back into themselves.  And the fact that some basic laws of physics, such as thermodynamics, don't apply there (at least by appearance).

Now, I am probably totally overthinking this, and maybe I should just accept these things, because this is a fantasy story where the supernatural exists. Therefore these things are possible, because magic. But what if that's not quite true? What if the whole realm only appears functionally magical, but is ultimately some type of unfathomably advanced technology? The realm really some sort of bubble universe with slightly different laws, connected to (but apart from) our universe? The gods just the last heirs of an ancient advanced civilization, wielding godlike technological powers even they don't understand anymore? Playing cruel games, torturing mortals for mere sport? Creating genetically engineered creatures such as Argos to do their bidding?

Running and maintaining a whole mini universe would require immense amounts of power. What if that power really is starting to run out after a couple of millennia?