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Sorry if I butchered your name ๐Ÿ˜…

Thank you for the great review! Also the feedbacks are very appreciated.

... and you did pronounce well my alias, which is "coder variation" of the Japanese traditional Kodama :)

Glad to hear that you liked it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Thank you for reviewing my game. I completely underestimated how difficult my game is. By the time I noticed (was told by players) I had no time left to add a checkpoint system or make it easier :( Once the rating is finished I will make an updated version with checkpoint system and maybe even a 2 key version? Not sure yet.

I've been there, so I can understand. By repeatedly playing the same level while developing I generally forget how difficult it might be for first time players. I faced the same issue with my first jam. But thanks to feedback from other participants, I realized this point. So now I always reduce the difficult a little bit before submitting. You can try this trick in your next game :-)