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Hi Arisa ~!

I'm happy to know you enjoyed the Winged Ones very much! ^///^ The title screen's music is from titled "RPG Theme". The title is very creative isn't it :"))

1. Aah I see o.o Mitra does based on an image of ideal partner we've always wanted though so you're right :'3 I'll look forward to hear which one is your favourite after you've read them all! >\\\<

2. Aww thanks! I'm glad to hear you like my art :"3 but I do have a lot more to learn and improve -the Fantasy genre is flexible and there are lots to explore! However, I'm planning to have the mini encyclopedia permanently and will always apply some indonesian element if possible x')

3. Thank you :"D you noticed the small details! I'll do my best to make more interesting VNs in the future to meet your expectations! My 2nd project is a lot longer and complicated than the Winged Ones, so I hope you'll give it a chance later ><

And yup, I believe that every character will have their own stories to tell and roles to fill. That's why NPCs deserves at least a silhouette :"D Rama has the heaviest story from the other two and some people don't have the patience with him so I'm glad you like him! X'D

4. ... I'm touched you call my baby perfect QuQ I did my best, but to be objective, there are still some loopholes and things I can to improve! Do wait for my 2nd project and see if I've lvl-ed up or not!

5. YAY! *hugs* I'll be counting on you to share the love when my 2nd project's IndieGoGo campaign come to life! :"D

Thanks for visiting and see you in the near future!



So I finally managed to finish all the routes, I can't seem to get 3 CG's from Tamara, Rama and Reksa. No idea what I'm doing wrong, lul. Anyway! I read Reksa's route and I think I've finally decided who I love the most. Reksa~ xD He's just extremely adorable. Rama has this tendency to push you away before finally giving in whereas Reksa draws you in from the getgo and doesn't let you go after that. (/ *0*)/ That's really sweet. He's my fave, woo. >///< 'MINE!' xD (I still love Rama too but Reksa more, haha)

Thanks for letting me know about the music too~

Welcome back Arisa! Wow you're quite fast x'D and you're welcome. The musics in are free so feel free to download them but credit the creator ~

The 3 CGs are probably the sad endings. I know that all of you want only the happy ends but if you want to complete the CGs, try and read the sad ends x'D

Aaand Reksa got himself another fan! Hahahah, I'll deliver your love to him :'3

Thanks for playing and hope to see you again in the future!