I think I may have this fixed.
I'm having this issue too.
The Main Menu has a normal paced demo game showing, but the second I start a match everything seems to go five times as fast.
Damn, I thought I had that fixed. I’ll look into it again. Are you using a high refresh monitor or anything? It’s been tough to reproduce on my end
really any specs you can give me might help narrow things down.
59 hz Refresh rate
GTX 1070 8gb
16 GB ram
i5-4690k CPU 3.5 ghz
Windows 10 64-bit
thank you thank you, I’ll check back
I may have accidentally made the bug worse in the version you downloaded. I’ve unfuxed it, hopefully at least it resolves your version of the issue.
No clue what you did but you unfuxed it really well. Thanks.