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Hi there, Balduranne!
Thanks so much for the kind words! I'll continue to make changes to the durability system as time goes on-- first, I wanna see how much the upcoming update shakes things up :) I have been considering some other twists on it, like having armor breaking and giving Power or something of the like. Your feedback is noted, however! If it has to go in the end, then it has to go!

Thanks for the kind remarks again!

For input-- it's worth noting that you can completely rebind the controls to your liking. But I agree 100% on E being the default for confirm-- Right now, it's just space bar. A second button like E just makes sense! I'll add it to the list :)

It didn't even occur to me to use the spacebar, I was just painstakingly using Enter, ha. 

Does equipment just disappear when it's out of durability?

Currently equipment breaks when out of durability (i.e., is removed from the inventory BOTW style), and gives the player a repair kit. :)