Hello, is it possible to format cells in spreadsheet? For example when I want to set the background color of the row when using CreateObject method. Or setting width/height/color/font of individual cells? There is nothing about formatting in the documentation.
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Thanks for the reply. Of course, I meant if it's possible to do the formatting programmatically (though I admit the way I wrote the question wasn't the best :D) Of course, you can change everything you want directly in Google Spreadsheets, but imagine you have hundreds (or thousands) of rows and columns. GSFU's purpose is exactly that - to make handling the data much easier and more convenient. So your statement "You can manually format the cells" is in direct contradiction with the very same reason why you created this plugin in the first place.
Heya, yes you're right! I only expressed that because sometimes I received questions about the safety of applying manual formating to the cells, in regards to the data parsing integrity.
While I have not many requests for cell formating, it is indeed something that I could add, so I hope to be able to work on this on future releases (no ETA though).