This game is AWESOME!!! Good luck with the jam and congratulations!
Some feedback (constructive):
When I was playing, sometimes I didn't know that I just lost a live. I think that you could add some haptic feedback when you loose a life, maybe a SFX, maybe a camera rumble, something to let the player know that they have just lost a life. I love that when you die you explode. That's the feedback I'm talking about.
I really like the music and the simplicity in this game, it really gives a nice feel and polished touch to the game.
I also like how it shows your high score, some games not doing that. However, I think that you could add a little competitiveness to the game by adding a public high score. This way people are trying to beat a score, trying to get their name out their. I don't know if this would be hard, but it would be a great addition.
I've also just had a thought... what about this in multiplayer ?!?!??!? It would be AWESOME in MULTIPLAYER!!!
Honestly, almost a perfect game (Ive said this for 2 games already this jam is with great games). Everything ties together nicely and I can't even give much feedback. I'll play it some more and give more feedback as I think of some though. Great Job!!!